Wednesday 1 June 2011

Praying my prayer

Praying Hands by Albrecht Durer
The other day in church we had an amazing talk about prayer. It has been in my mind ever since. The talk was based on the prayer that you taught your disciples, Lord Jesus, and my attention was drawn to the fact that you didn't tell us that this was what we must pray, but this was how we should pray. We shouldn't just chant the Lord's Prayer and not think about the words because it's so familiar. We shouldn't say the Lord's Prayer, we should pray it. We should think our prayers. We should be personal. We should talk to you as if you are right next to us, because you are just that.

So I've written my own. I'm hoping that you don't think this incredibly presumptuous, and I must tell you that I believe very deeply that you did it best. Your version sort of draws things together in a way that can't be improved upon. Your version is much snappier than mine. I'm not exactly known for being concise and I do have a tendency to go on. The Lord's prayer has such a beautiful simplicity.

Well, here it is.

This came from the heart, Father. I haven't written it and rewritten it and tinkered with it and rephrased it; I offer it to you now just as it came out of my head. Please accept this prayer from a daughter who loves you.

God Almighty, 
I bow before you now and give you my praise because you are my Lord, my Daddy and my Friend
You reign on high.
All of creation sings praise to your holy name.
I long for the day when the whole earth joins the angels in worship. 
I rely on you for every breath; please give me what I need to live each day for you.
I'm so sorry for all the times that I let you down and wound you in so many ways; forgive me.
Help me, please, to forgive those that hurt me.
Show me how to keep my eyes fixed on you and not go my own way as I so often do.
I know you have won the war but the battle is raging round me and I ask that you would protect me from the Enemy because I am your child.
You are the One who made the universe and everything in it. 
You are great.
You are the beginning and the end.
You are my God.
Everything that is belongs to you and I give you all the glory, my beautiful Lord; now, as long as I live, and for all eternity as I kneel at your throne.

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